Cancer Immunotherapy with Nanoparticles: From Canines to Humans
2020 VCS Virtual Conference
Elias Sayour, MD, PhD

Dr. Sayour’s translational efforts are also focused on new pipeline technologies including a novel lipid-nanoparticle (NP) formulation that his team has pioneered for the immunologic treatment of cancer. In this presentation, Dr. Sayour will discuss challenges to creating effective cancer vaccines, advantages of a nanoparticle-based approach, and how the comparative oncology model has served as an important bridge to translate novel vaccine approaches. Dr. Sayour will discuss how the comparative oncology model can be leveraged for establishing safety, response correlates and activity of new therapies while simultaneously helping both pet dogs and humans with cancer.


Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

Elias Sayour, MD, PhD

MAIN : Keynotes : Cancer Immunotherapy with Nanoparticles
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