Question Screener is a tool to view and respond to text sent to the Conference Room by moderated users.
Open the Question Screener by selecting QUESTION SCREENER from the ADMIN TOOLS pull-down menu.
Question Screener Log
When the Conference Room is in moderated mode, input from the participant level users will be redirected to the Question Screener log. Input from Admin-level users (staff, instructor, or moderator) will be sent directly into the Conference Room text window. To learn more about class moderation, refer to Unity - Moderate Room.
Any user may be individually moderated by an Admin user (staff, instructor, or moderator) of a higher or equivalent level. Input from an individually moderated user, regardless of his/her user level, will be redirected to the Question Screener log
When you are being moderated or when the Conference Room is in moderated mode, the Conference Room input textbox will be white and have an "M" icon displayed on the left side.
When a user sends text to the Conference Room and that text is redirected to the Question Screener log, a green message, indicating that the question has been received, is displayed into the sender's Conference Room.
The Question Screener log is displayed for Admin-level (staff, instructor, and moderator) users in the Question Screener window.
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Question Identifiers
Submitted questions are assigned a sequential, alphanumeric identifier and listed in the top field of the Question Screener window. Questions remain on the list until they are sent for display into the Conference Room window or deleted.
Each question sent to the Question Screener is assigned a five-digit identifier with a preceding alpha character. This alpha character (either A, E, or Q) along with the color of the identifier text indicates the question state:
An unanswered question will be listed in red text with a "Q" identifier prefix.
An answered question will be listed in black text with a "A" identifier prefix.
A question for which an answer is currently being edited will be listed in teal text with an "E" identifier prefix.
Answered questions are listed first, followed by in-progress questions, and then the unanswered questions.
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Answer a Question
- To answer a question, click on a question identifier from the top field of the Question Screener to select it. The selected question will be loaded into the Question from: textbox. The name of the person who submitted the question will be displayed after the Question from: label. All of the Question Screener buttons, with the exception of NEW ANSWER will become active (Black).
- Type your answer in the textbox under the Answer from: label. As you begin to enter your answer, the textbox becomes yellow, the SAVE button text becomes orange, the Being answered by: field displays your name, and the question identifier changes to the edit state (i.e., begins with the letter "E" and is teal).
- Once you have finished your answer, select the SAVE button to store the answer in the Question Screener log. Your answer is saved and displayed in the Answer from: textbox under a tab with your name on it. The question identifier changes to the answered state (i.e., begins with the letter "Q" and is black), and the question identifier is moved to the top of the question list. The Answer from: textbox reverts to white, the SAVE button reverts to black, and the New Answer button becomes orange.
It is possible to view the answers to a question by selecting the question identifier and then selecting an answer tab. As long as you do not type into the Answer from: textbox, the question will not change to in-progress.
If you accidentally type into the Answer from: textbox, you can back out your answer by backspacing until all the answer text is gone and then selecting the SAVE button. The question will revert to the unanswered state.
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Add a New Answer
After a question has been answered, additional answers can be added to the question as follows:
- Select an answered question identifier from the top field of the Question Screener.
- Select the NEW ANSWER button. This will clear Answer from: textbox.
- Enter your answer into the Answer from: textbox.
- Select the SAVE button. Each saved answer is given an Answer from: tab with the name of the person who supplied the answer.
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Modify an Answer
To modify a saved answer:
- Select an answered question identifier from the top field of the Question Screener. The selected question will be loaded into the Question from: textbox. The name of the person who submitted the question will be displayed after the Question from: label. The Answer from: field will be followed by a set of tabs. Each tab will have the name of a person who saved an answer to the question.
- Select the tab of the answer you wish to modify.
- Edit the answer
- Select the SAVE button.
If you SAVE someone else's answer, then you become the owner of that answer. The name on the Answer from: tab will change to your name.
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Send Question and Answer(s) to the Conference Room
When there is an appropriate break in the class presentation, the question and answer(s) can be sent from the Question Screener into the Conference Room.
- To send a question with a single answer:
- Select the question identifier.
- Select the SEND button.
Both the question and answer will be displayed in the Conference Room.
- To send a single answer for a question with multiple answers:
- Select the question identifier.
- Select the tab of the answer you wish to send.
- Select the SEND button.
The question and the specified answer will be displayed in the Conference Room.
Note that the question and unsent answers are still in Question Screener. The question will be displayed when the subsequent answers are sent.
- To send a question and all associated answers:
- Select the question identifier.
- Select the ALL button.
The question and all of the answers to that question will be displayed in the Conference Room.
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Edit a Question
If the question itself is unclear or there is a spelling error, the question text can be modified using Question Screener.
- Select a question identifier from the top field of the Question Screener.
- Place the cursor inside the question text box and edit the question.
- Don't forget to select SAVE when you are done! The question text will be modified but the name of the original sender will be retained.
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The CHAT button allows the user to initiate a PRIVATE CHAT with the person who sent the currently selected question.
Moderators use this method to address:
- "?" and "!" entries in which the participant fails to include the actual question or comment.
- technical-support inquiries.
- poll responses inadvertantly sent to Question Screener.
Leave entries of these types for the moderators to handle.
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Delete Question(s)
Questions can be removed from the Question Screener display by using the DELETE button. Although the deleted questions are no longer visible in the Question Screener, they are retained in the log file and used when calculating CE participation credit.
To delete a question with multiple answers, you must first delete the extra answers, one at a time.
- To delete an answer from a question with multiple answers:
- Select the question identifier.
- Select the Answer from: tab for the answer you want to delete.
- Select the DELETE button.
- Select YES when prompted "Are you sure you want to delete this answer?"
- To delete a question with a single answer:
- Select the question identifier.
- Select the DELETE button.
- Select YES when prompted "Are you sure you want to delete this answered question?" Both the question and the answer will be removed from the Question Screener display.
- To delete unanswered question(s):
- Select one or more question identifiers.
- To select a range of question identifiers, SHIFT-select the starting and ending question identifiers for the range.
- To select a distinct set of question identifiers, CTRL-select each question identifier that is to be deleted.
- Select the DELETE button.
- Select YES when prompted "Are you sure you want to delete these unanswered questions?"
NOTE: when multiple question identifiers are selected for deletion, only the unanswered questions will be deleted.
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Suppress Display of Pending/Answered Status
Located under the list of connected users in the Conference Room window is a display of the number of unanswered/in-progress (Pending) and answered (Answered) questions currently in Question Screener. This display is visible to all users in the Unity classroom.
See below:
To suppress the pending-answered status display, select the Suppress Pending-Answered Status checkbox in the Question Screener window so that it is checked.
See :
To restore the display of the question pending-answered status, clear the Suppress Pending-Answered Status checkbox by selecting it.
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