Three Tips to Reduce Barking in Your Dog
Published: November 19, 2020
Christine D. Calder, DVM, DACVB
Photo courtesy of Pat Koven
Photo courtesy of Pat Koven


Courtesy of the Sophia Yin Collection

TIP 1: Block the view but not the light.

“Out of Sight, Out of Mind”

There are many different sights and sounds that stimulate barking out the window. Your dog is less likely to bark at what she can’t see. Window film is easy to install, allows light to filter in, and comes in different decorative designs.

TIP 2: Reinforce an alternative behavior.

Imagine your dog sitting nicely on a mat while you open the door to let guest in, receive a delivery, or just walk out the door to get the mail. Teaching your dog to “go” to a mat or stationing can help achieve this goal. Remote treat dispensers like the Treat and Train can easily help you reward your dog in place with a click of the remote.

TIP 3: The quiet between barks means click and treat.

Keep jars of treats and kibble stashed around the house to use during noise events such as thunderstorms and fireworks. Click and Treat when you dog takes a breath BUT not while he is actively barking. After a few clicks, you can wait for your dog to make eye contact before clicking and treating.

Photo courtesy of Pat Koven