Friday, December 30, 2016What do you want to know TODAY?  
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As we near the end of 2016, the VIN staff wishes you and yours a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thank you for being a part of the VIN community. We hope 2017 is a wonderful year for you and all colleagues!

Bringing together colleagues to share information and experiences is the primary reason VIN exists. If you haven't had a chance yet, take a moment to read Paul's year-end letter, A Tribute to the Women Who Shaped VIN, to learn about three of the amazing women who've helped make VIN what it is today.

Thank YOU for being a part of the VIN community.
No Sunday Rounds This Weekend
Enjoy the winter holidays with your offline family!
See what's happening next year -- take a look at the Full Rounds Schedule and Countdown Clock.

Please note that the VIN office will be closed:

  • Friday, December 30

Responses to calls and email may take a bit longer than usual during this time. Thanks in advance for your patience.

If you have a truly urgent issue, Paul's phone is always on -- 530-757-6881.

If One of Your New Year's Resolutions is 'Get More from VIN'... is here!

Learn about VIN's top features and functions in the ever-expanding Show Me How Video Library. You'll even find tips on minor computer clean up and maintenance tasks.

New VINners will get a great head start, and even long-time VINners are guaranteed to learn a few new tricks!

If you learn better with a little personal guidance, try the live 'How To Use VIN' sessions. They take place on the first three Wednesdays of each month at 9:30 p.m. ET. Also, don't miss the 'How To' page for more great tips and tutorials!

To keep up with VIN's constant growth, take the time to explore the Front Page at least once a week, read the VIN This Week (VINTW) newsletter twice a week.

The VIN Membership Services staff is also here to help you. Contact them Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT at 1-800-700-4636 (01452226154 from the UK or 0261452357 from Australia) or email your question any time, night or day, to

New Mentor Procedure: Carnassial Tooth Extraction
Mentor is a collection of narrated videos and pictures of complete medical procedures with step-by-step instructions, accompanying materials lists, and enough information to help you perform the procedures with confidence.

You can also print a PDF and take it with you as you perform each procedure.

Newest Addition:

To suggest a procedure or contribute your own videos, please email

NEWS THAT'S FIT TO CLICK, reported for YOU...

Evolving stories:
- School closures leave veterinary-tech students in lurch
- Antech litigation threat takes new twist
- U.S. veterinarians working abroad

Be a VIN newshound:

VNS is your news service. Have an idea for a story? Have a story that needs covering?

Share with non-VINners. The VIN News Service stories (without access to the community discussions) are publicly available.

Follow VNS on Twitter! Send a Twitter request to receive the VNS Tweets.

New and Revised Articles to Share With Your Clients!

Veterinary Partner

Texas Farm Radio


Preliminary study on attitudes, opinions and knowledge of Italian veterinarians with regard to abdominal visceral pain in dogs
Posture, gait, and movement changes (32%) and physiological changes (31%) were commonly quoted for pain recognition and assessment. Most respondents (74%) did not use pain scoring systems. Pancreatitis and peritonitis were considered the most painful abdominal conditions. Opioids (40%), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (21%), and tramadol (20%) were cited as drugs for the management of visceral pain.

Effect of intravenous lidocaine on cough response to endotracheal intubation in propofol-anaesthetized dogs
IV lidocaine can decrease the incidence of cough during endotracheal intubation in dogs premedicated with acepromazine and methadone, but does not appear to have a sparing effect on the dose of propofol required for endotracheal intubation. Use of IV lidocaine, prior to induction of anaesthesia with propofol may be beneficial in dogs where coughing at intubation would be detrimental.

Uveal cysts in domestic cats: a retrospective evaluation of thirty-six cases
Thirty-six cats were affected, from a total examined population of 5017 (prevalence 0.72%). Twenty-one of the 36 cats were Burmese. The two centers examined 516 Burmese cats in the same time period, giving an incidence in Burmese cats of 4.1%.

How Early Can Brachycephalic Airway Disorders Be Corrected In Puppies?
My personal opinion is brachycephalic airway issues should be corrected as early as possible. The bad respiratory problems culminating in laryngeal collapse are secondary...

Feline Chronic Progressive Polyarthritis (FCPP) Likely In This FIV-Positive Cat
FCPP is most common in male cats between 1-5 years of age. Fifty percent of these cats are FeLV positive and have Feline Syncytial Virus in their joints.

Owners Of Sick Calf Developed Papular Hand Lesions: Zoonotic Bovine Papular Stomatitis Likely
Papular stomatitis is common in dairy calves out here, so most of the calf pneumonia cases have oral lesions and vet students frequently acquire the infection on their fingers and hands.

Teaching Receptionists To Recognize Emergencies
Make it very simple. The Bs: Bleeding, Breathing, Bloating, Blocked (GI or urinary), Birthing, Blue (gums), and Bulldogs.

  Click to change the image (Category3)

Check the Rounds page to see what sessions are on the schedule. Times shown are Eastern Time (ET).
Convert ET to your time zone.

Use the Rounds link in the main navigation bar to join these discussions.

VIN Rounds
Sunday, January 1 - No Rounds
Happy New Year!

Venting Over a Venti
Tuesday, January 3 - 9:30 p.m. ET
(Wednesday, January 4 - 2:30 a.m. GMT)
Need to vent about solo vet issues?
Christina McRae, DVM, and other colleagues are here to lend an ear.

How to Use VIN, Part 1
Wednesday, January 4 - 9:30 p.m. ET
(Thursday, January 5- 2:30 a.m. GMT)
The VIN Representative Committee will show you how to get more out of your VIN experience.
Email for more information about this free, three-session course.

Need help remembering when Rounds sessions are happening? Check out the list of ways to be reminded about VIN Rounds sessions.

Wondering how long it is until the next Rounds session? Take a look at the Rounds Countdown Clock!

Want to See What You've Been Missing?
(@ = VINcast available; R = Replay available)

Download VINCasts (@)
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Browse Rounds Transcripts
Replay Rounds

Rounds are also searchable! Use the filters on the right of your Search Results page.

Associate can remind you of the differentials for a variety of cases. You can get there through the VINDEX drop down menu at the bottom of most VIN pages or using Ctrl + E on your keyboard from anywhere on VIN.

The Book section of Associate lets you read the chapter on a particular disease. The Tool section helps you analyze your cases, clinical sign by clinical sign.

New and Recently Revised Chapters:

Websites of the Week
A Healthy New Year

New Quick Poll:
(Look for it on the lower left side of the VIN Front Page.)
How do you most often learn new information about all things VIN (Content, Features, Events, Rounds, VINx, eVetsites, VIN CE, VIN News Service, VetzInsight, VIN Foundation, etc.)?

Visit the Archived Quick Polls page to participate in previous Quick Poll questions and view results.

Upcoming Conferences
Looking to attend or contribute a paper to a veterinary conference? Check out the On the Road with VIN folder or the Press Releases folder to see which upcoming conferences members of the VIN family will be attending. Be sure to stop by the Cyber Café and/or other VIN booths if you’re attending NAVC, OAVT, WVC, SAVMA, ICARE, or AAHA.

To see what other courses are currently open for enrollment, browse the Course Catalog on the CE Main Page.

Seizure Management: Depolarization, Repolarization, and What we can do about it
January 11 - February 18, 2017
Presenter(s): Anne Elizabeth Katherman, DVM, MS, DACVIM/Neurology; Dawn Boothe, Phd, DVM, DACVIM/Internal Medicine, DACVCP

The primary purpose of this course is to provide an in depth understanding of how various anticonvulsants work and how to use this information to make decisions regarding which anticonvulsant to use for a given patient and when to alter the dose or change the drug. The course will include a discussion of seizure pathophysiology, general principles of seizure management, drug monitoring and a discussion of the most commonly used anticonvulsants in the canine and feline species.

Towards a Sustainable Clinical Career: The Neuroscience of Clinicianship
March 12 - April 19, 2017
Presenter(s): Michele Gaspar, DVM, DABVP (Feline Practice), MA, LPC

This course is designed to address core skills that are critically necessary for sustainable and effective clinical practice. These include: Self-observation/mindfulness; empathy; resilience/self-compassion/boundaries; and attentiveness. Until recently, these have been erroneously considered as unimportant "soft skills" that are beyond the scope of traditional veterinary medical education. However, they are increasingly recognized as essential in enabling a clinician to flourish in his or her professional and personal life. This course will provide skills necessary to engage with clinical practice in healthier ways.

Check the World Clock Time Zone Converter to confirm class start times for your area.

Visit the CE Participant Resource Center to learn the basics of online CE, how to find your course area, CE participation requirements, and much more!

Like VIN CE on Facebook!

Follow VIN CE and VSPN on Twitter!

VIN This Week Archives
VIN This Week (VINTW) is an online newsletter to help VINners make more efficient use of the Veterinary Information Network.

If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter please log in to VIN and use the MyVIN feature (MyVIN>Preferences>Email) to adjust your settings. Alternatively, you may reply to this message and change the subject line to "REMOVE". Please send your unsubscribe request from the email account used to register for VIN. Your comments, suggestions, and questions are welcome.

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777 West Covell Blvd, Davis, CA 95616

Copyright 2016, Veterinary Information Network, Inc.