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How to Avoid Making a Mistake When Buying a Veterinary Practice
Purchasing a practice can be highly stressful and not something to do carelessly. Join Ed Guiducci, JD, this Sunday evening at 9 p.m. ET to learn what steps you can take to realize your dream instead of getting stuck in a nightmare.

*This session will be all text, no audio.

Use the Rounds link in the main navigation bar to join the discussion.

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Are You Up-to-Date on the Latest Canine Influenza Outbreak?
Here are some background resources to follow as the situation evolves

Take the VIN Community Quick Poll on the Front Page to share your own experiences:
Within the past two months have you diagnosed a case of canine influenza in conjunction with or independent of the recent outbreak in the Midwestern United States?

Journals in the VIN Library!
The journals section of the VIN library is like having a college library right at your fingertips!

The VIN librarians continuously reevaluate the veterinary journal list. If you have journals you'd like to see added, please email with your suggestions.

Recently Added Journals:

Learn how to use the document delivery system to order articles.

Coming soon... Search 4!

Just when you thought searching on VIN couldn't be any faster or easier... keep your eyes peeled for the release of Search 4 coming to soon! helps speed the testing and release of new features destined for

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NEWS THAT'S FIT TO CLICK, reported for YOU...

Evolving Stories
- The latest on telemedicine
- Canine influenza outbreak
- VCA buys Abaxis reference lab
- Shelter animal supply and demand

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VNS is your news service. Have an idea for a story? Have a story that needs covering?

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New and Revised Articles to Share With Your Clients!

Veterinary Partner

Texas Farm Radio


Incisional colopexy for treatment of chronic, recurrent colocloacal prolapse in a sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita)
Long-term follow-up, including a barium contrast study, revealed normal function and an intact colopexy, without recurrence of the prolapse.

Arthroscopic assessment of osteochondrosis of the medial humeral condyle treated with debridement and sliding humeral osteotomy
Seven elbows had marked progression of pathology affecting the medial compartment, 5 elbows developed subsequent fragmentation of the medial coronoid process of the ulna, 2 elbows had fibrocartilaginous infill of the humeral defect without development of coronoid pathology.

Closed suction drainage for treatment of septic peritonitis of confirmed gastrointestinal origin in 20 dogs
Drains remained in place, collecting fluid produced within the abdomen, for a median of 6 days (range, 2-11 days). Eighteen dogs received nutritional support, and 14 received plasma transfusions. Seventeen dogs (85%) survived to discharge.

Advice For Managing An Outbreak Of Toxoplasmosis In A Cattery
If there are no current kittens pending, the disease will run its natural course -- as any exposed cats will cease shedding in a couple of weeks.

Sedation In Dog That Ate Marijuana Cookies: How Potent Is Marijuana Butter?
Marijuana butter tends to have relatively high THC concentrations, compared to the 'natural' product, and we can see some very serious intoxications with even small ingestions. We almost never saw deaths from marijuana toxicosis until the butter became commonly used.

Sources For Waiting Room And Exam Room Posters
Take a look at Doggie Drawings by Lili Chin. She does customized illustrations and pet portraits, but she also offers a collection of informational and educational posters for free download.

Ivermectin Toxicosis In Dog Taking Ketoconazole; Why Ivermectin And Ketoconazole Interact
Ketoconazole inhibits P-glycoprotein which normally keeps ivermectin out of the central nervous system, so when the drugs are given together, you're essentially creating an avermectin-sensitive dog. So it was the ivermectin that caused the signs, but it was the ketoconazole that set up the toxicosis.

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Use the Rounds link in the main navigation bar to join these discussions.

Wondering how long it is until the next Rounds session? Take a look at the Rounds Countdown Clock!

Use the 'Add to Calendar' button on the main Rounds page to add these sessions to your calendar!

VIN Rounds
Sunday, April 19 - 9 p.m. ET
(Monday, April 20 - 1 a.m. GMT)
Join Ed Guiducci, JD, for How To Avoid Making A Mistake When Buying A Veterinary Practice.
*This session will be all text, no audio.

Tuesday, April 21 - 8 p.m. E.T.
(Wednesday, April 22 - Midnight GMT)
Join Ilona Rodan, DVM, DAVBP (Fe), for AAHA/AAFP Pain Management Guidelines: Feline Focus.
*This session will feature audio. Take the readiness test before attending.

Venting Over a Venti
Tuesday, April 21 - 9:30 p.m. ET
(Wednesday, April 22 - 1:30 a.m. GMT)
Need to vent about new grad issues? Christina McRae, DVM, and other colleagues are here to lend an ear.

Need help remembering when Rounds sessions are happening? Check out the list of ways to be reminded about VIN Rounds sessions.

Want to See What You've Been Missing?
(@ = VINcast available; R = Replay available)

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      Rounds are also searchable! Use the filters on the left of your Search Results page.

      Sympathy Card Fail?
      I had a doozy about a month ago after I had to euthanize one of our best clients' old lab when she got run over at slow speed by a car, broken pelvis, broken femurs, bad skin wounds, etc. The client is a very frequent flier at the clinic, we had just done a big workup on the dog several days prior. On the sympathy card, I wrote "Dear Mark, I am so sorry about the loss of Missy. We are all just crushed that we won't see her around the clinic anymore." Thankfully I realized it was Missy that was crushed, not us, and changed it before we sent the card...

      If you've ever meant to attend a VIN Rounds session and missed it or didn't know about it in time -- there are several resources that can help remind you:

      • Main Rounds page
      • VIN-wide alert
      • Twitter
      • VIN This Week/Weekend
      • ... and more.

      Read the details here and let us know if you have suggestions!

      Book Review of the Week
      Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes
      Catch up on previous Book Reviews!

      Website of the Week
      Mycology Online

      New Proceedings
      2014 Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians Annual Conference (AEMV 2014)

      New Quick Poll question:
      Within the past two months have you diagnosed a case of canine influenza in conjunction with or independent of the recent outbreak in the Midwestern United States?

      Look for the newest poll on the lower left side of the VIN Front Page. Visit the Archived Quick Polls page to participate in last week's Quick Poll question.

      Upcoming Conferences
      Looking to attend or contribute a paper to a veterinary conference? Check out the On the Road with VIN folder or the Press Releases folder to see what conferences are coming up and to visit their websites! Links to information about upcoming conferences include: ICARE, and CVC Washington DC.

      Click on the links below to see the details, register, and find more upcoming CE.

      Basic Big Cat Husbandry and Medicine
      April 19 - May 20, 2015

      The primary purpose of this course is to provide a basic understanding of big cat husbandry and medicine. The course will include an overview of taxonomy nutrition, husbandry, reproduction and basic medicine of big cats.

      Canine Pemphigus Foliaceus vs Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
      April 26 - May 13, 2015

      The course will familiarize participants with the two most common and commonly confused autoimmune skin diseases of the dog: pemphigus foliaceus and discoid lupus erythematosus. The session will be primarily directed to practicing veterinarians and focused on diagnosis and treatment.

      Visit the CE Participant Resource Center to learn the basics of online CE, how to find your course area, CE participation requirements, and much more!

      To get the most from your CE course, plan to attend a practice session before your course begins.

      • Tues. afternoons 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET
      • Weds. evenings 10:00 - 11:00 p.m. ET
      • Thurs. evenings 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. ET

      Like VIN CE on Facebook!

      To see what courses are currently open for enrollment, browse the Course Catalog on the CE Main Page.

      Follow VIN CE and VSPN on Twitter! Simply click the "Send request" button to prompt the (VIN-VSPN) crews to accept you as a follower.

      VIN This Week Archives
      VIN This Week (VINTW) is an online newsletter to help VINners make more efficient use of the Veterinary Information Network.

      If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter please log in to VIN and use the MyVIN feature (MyVIN>Preferences>Email) to adjust your settings. Alternatively, you may reply to this message and change the subject line to "REMOVE". Please send your unsubscribe request from the email account used to register for VIN. Your comments, suggestions, and questions are welcome.

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