Friday, March 25, 2011What do you want to know TODAY?  
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Perioperative Use of Opioid Combinations
Opioids can be an excellent part of your anesthesia protocol, if you know how and when to use them.

Join Nancy Brock, DVM, DACVA, and Lydia Love, DVM, DACVA this Sunday night and learn how to get good results.

Use the Rounds link in the main navigation bar to join the discussions.

If you can't attend, be sure to check the Rounds or Front Page of VIN or next Tuesday's VIN This Week for links to the transcript of the discussion.

The Taxman Cometh
It's tax time again in the US! Need a summary of your 2010 VIN Community membership and related fees for tax preparation or reimbursement? Try the easy to use, do-it-yourself Membership Statement tool - in your MyVIN -- click on MyVIN in the main navigation bar near the top of any VIN page. Then choose Membership > Statement.

Your VIN membership and online access charges are likely tax deductible (check with your tax professional).

Please let us know if anything doesn't seem right to you. Email or join the discussion.

Need Help?
Have questions about your membership? Can't find that reference you need for a tough case? Help is a click, email or phone call away! (Hint: you can find this page anytime by clicking HELP on the main VIN Navigation Bar.)

Store YOUR NOTES in your MyStuff!
Do you have a library of notes on your computer, in a notebook, or on sheets of paper that you use on a daily basis? Tired of trying to organize and access them easily? Give the new MyStuff feature, 'Notes', a try on

From your MyStuff, select 'Add', give it a title and then select 'Add Note'.

You can add a note individually or associate it with a new or not so new link in your MyStuff. To add a note to a MyStuff link you already have stored, simply select 'modify' then 'Add Note'. You can even encrypt your notes for added security.

As always, feedback is always appreciated! Email or post on the message boards.

Keep an eye on this section of VIN This Week to find out what new toys you can help us perfect on

If you want the latest and greatest and want to be on the "bleeding edge" of where VIN is going, your VIN Homepage.

and discuss;
News Reported for YOU...

Evolving stories
UNAM accreditation stokes vigorous discussion among veterinarians
* Japan nuclear crisis spurs queries about potassium iodide for pets

Be a VIN newshound:

VNS is here to give YOU a voice and report news that is important to YOU. Got an idea for a story? Have a story that needs covering? Post it on the boards or e-mail

Share with nonVINners. The VIN News Service (without access to the community discussions) is now publicly available.

Now you can follow VNS on Twitter! Send a Twitter request to receive the VNS Tweets.

New and Revised
Share these with your clients!

Texas Farm Radio

Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the third eyelid conjunctiva in a dog
A diagnosis of extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) of the third eyelid was established based on the histological and immunophenotypical features. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first reported case of MALT lymphoma of the third eyelid in a dog.

Evaluation of orally administered famciclovir in cats experimentally infected with feline herpesvirus type-1
Famciclovir administration improved outcomes for systemic, ophthalmic, clinicopathologic, virologic, and histologic variables in cats experimentally infected with FHV-1. Adjunctive topical mucinomimetic and antimicrobial treatments may also be necessary.

Outcomes of cats undergoing surgical attenuation of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts through cellophane banding: 9 cases (2000-2007)
Uncontrolled seizure activity was the most common cause of death after cellophane banding (CB). Long-term outcome for cats with congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt (CEPSS) was fair to good after the procedure. Cats with a CEPSS surviving the immediate postoperative period had a fair to good long-term outcome. Cellophane banding without intraoperative attenuation appears to be an acceptable technique for gradual occlusion of a CEPSS in cats.

Surgical extraction of an odontoma in a young cat
I did biopsy it today and we plan for definitive treatment next week after the histopath results so that I am sure I am treating appropriately. What are your impressions? If it turns out to be only dentigerous cyst, after removal of all affected tissue and good curettage of cyst lining, should I be considering Consil use in this cat?

Anorexic guinea pigs: Appetite stimulation using acceptable treat foods; yeast stomatitis following prednisone use
I thought steroids were very immunosurpressive in guinea pigs... am I mistaken? I have never heard of them being used to increase appetite. Has anyone else used them for this purpose? Second question, has anyone used mirtazapine for appetite stimulant? Any other ideas to stimulate appetite?

Lyme disease: Is test, treat, and vaccinate really the way to go?
I read many threads that suggest many of you do not think Lyme vaccine is worth doing at all, which I would also like to hear about, but we would like to offer the vaccine to our clients whose dogs are most at risk and we have not historically vaccinated positive dogs. Please help with any thoughts on the latest info on test, treat and vaccinate.

  Click to change the image (Category3)

Sunday Rounds
Sunday March 27, 10 p.m. ET
(Monday, March 28, 2 a.m. GMT/UTC)

Join Nancy Brock, DVM, DACVA, and Lydia Love, DVM, DACVA for Perioperative Use of Opioid Combinations.

Virtual Coffeehouse
Tuesday, March 29, 9:30 p.m. ET
(Wednesday, March 30, 1:30 a.m. GMT/UTC)
Stop by and chat with your fellow VIN addicts.

The Week's Rounds Schedule
Use the Rounds link to join these discussions.

Want to See what you've been Missing?

Listen to or read past Rounds
If you would rather listen to than read a previous Rounds session, download VINCasts to your MP3 player. Rounds that have available VINCasts are marked with @.

Click the Rounds button on the VIN Main Navigation bar and read the transcripts of the last few Rounds, and click the complete list of rounds to get to the list of the last 300 Rounds transcripts. Or you can click on Rounds and Discussions in the VIN Library.

Rounds are also searchable via the search button. Just remember to choose Rounds (under the Clinical Resources tab) as the "Source" in your search parameters.

Message Board Drafts:
It's happened to everyone at least once... you spend precious minutes gathering your information, composing your post and copying your lab results only to lose your connection or power and have to start all over again. Well, you'll never have to rewrite your post again!

Did you know you can save your draft so you can come back later and finish posting without losing all of your work? Even if you forget to save your draft manually, no worries -- it's saved automatically every 60 seconds!

To find your draft if you were posting a new discussion:
1. Click the Post New button.
2. Click the Open Drafts button.
3. Click to highlight the draft you want from the list on the left side.
4. Click the Select Draft button.
5. Continue composing your post as you normally would, and Post Message.

If you were replying to an existing discussion:
1. Navigate to the specific discussion thread.
2. Click the 'Reply' button
3. Click the Open Drafts button
(make sure the Replies tab is selected)
4. Click to highlight the draft you want from the list on the left side.
5. Click the Select Draft button.
6. Continue composing your post as you normally would, and Post Message.

Click to change the image (Benefit)

Plan to Hire a new Grad!
Many of the best graduating seniors are regular VIN users. Post your position in Vetquest Classifieds. Please use the Positions Offered -- New Graduates category as this is where we encourage the 2011 Graduates to search for open positions and post their resumes. This is a FREE service provided by VIN and VETQUEST.

Need Help?
Have questions about your membership? Can't find that reference you need for a tough case? Help is a click, email or phone call away! (Hint: you can find this page anytime by clicking HELP on the main VIN Navigation Bar.)

Book Review of the Week
Digital Radiography for the Veterinary Technician, 1st Edition
Catch up on previous Book Reviews!

Website of the Week
Predict and more...

eVetSites Tip of the Week
Updating Your Billing Email

What's your Diagnosis?
Archives of the Challenging and Fun Cases
Zoonosis Case 94

Endocrine Point/Counter Point
Can Hypothyroidism cause Behavioral Problems?

Associate - Updated and New:
Sarcocystis (canine)
Explore the rest of Associate!

New in the VIN Library
Symposium of the American Heartworm Society - 2010 Proceedings

Upcoming Conferences
Looking to attend or contribute a paper to a veterinary conference? Check out the On the Road with VIN folder, or the Press Releases folder, to see what conferences are coming up and to visit their websites! Links to information about upcoming conferences include: NAVDF, EAAV/ECZM, Voorjaarsdagen and ABVP and IAAAM

False advertising
A colleague of mine, a veterinary ophthalmologist, was examining a 3-month-old lion cub when it bit him (fairly badly) on the thigh. He rang a mate, an ER physician, and told him what had happened. He was advised to go straight to the hospital. He hopped in his car and drove there to find, on arrival, the entire ER "standing to" waiting for the "lion mauling victim" to arrive. The ER physician mate apparently didn't hear the "3-month-old" part, and only heard the "lion bit me on the leg" part. The whole ER was rather disappointed!

Click on the links below to see the details, register, and find more upcoming CE.

OSHA & Practice Safety
April 11 - July 21, 2011

This course consists of ten 1.5 hour real-time sessions and is designed for the Practice Owner, Manager or Administrator who desires to understand OSHA's standards as well as practical ways to implement them in a veterinary practice. We attempt to avoid debating the merits of any particular requirement and focus on how to achieve compliance! This course will cover ALL aspects of a hospital safety program, not just the Hazard Communication Standard. The participants will be provided with many resources to download, including the text versions of applicable standards.

If you're looking for more information on
CE opportunities for veterinary technicians, receptionists or practice managers, visit the VSPN CE page. VSPN offers courses specifically tailored to veterinary support personnel, and certain VIN courses also are open to VSPN members.

Now you can follow VIN CE and VSPN on Twitter! Simply click the "Send request" button to prompt the (VIN-VSPN) crews to accept you as a follower.

VIN This Week Archives
VIN This Week (VINTW) is an online newsletter to help VINners make more efficient use of the Veterinary Information Network.

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