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BMC veterinary research
Volume 19 | Issue 1 (August 2023)

Single institution retrospective study evaluating the frequency of implant removal and associated risk factors following open fracture fixation in 80 cases (2010-2020).

BMC Vet Res. August 2023;19(1):119.
Brea M Sandness1, Karen L Perry2, Mieghan Bruce3
1 Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University, 736 Wilson Road, East Lansing, MI, 48824-1314, USA.; 2 Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University, 736 Wilson Road, East Lansing, MI, 48824-1314, USA.; 3 School of Veterinary Medicine and Centre for Biosecurity and One Health, Murdoch University, Murdoch, 6150, Australia.
© 2023. BioMed Central Ltd., part of Springer Nature.


BACKGROUND:Open fractures occur commonly in small animals and are characterised by contamination of the fracture site. While never quantified, it is believed that open fractures stabilised with internal implants are at a higher risk for requiring explantation. This retrospective study determines the frequency and risk factors for explantation following use of internal fixation. Medical records of client-owned dogs and cats with an open fracture, between 2010 and 2020 stabilised using internal implants, were included. Data retrieved included signalment, cause and characterisation of the fracture, comorbidities, preexisting infections, and all details related to anesthesia and surgery. Pre-, Peri- and post-operative antibiotic use were detailed. All cases were followed to clinical union. Postoperative complications, including requirement for implant removal were recorded and classified as major or minor. Associations between potential risk factors and need for explantation were assessed.
RESULTS:Of 80 cases, 72 (90%) were dogs and eight (10%) cats. Major complications were encountered in 23 (28.75%) cases and minor complications in 16 (20%) cases. Explantation was performed in 17 cases (21.25%). Out of 72 dogs, 13 required explantation (18%) whereas four of the eight cats needed implants removed (50%). Only diagnosis of postoperative infection was associated with an increased risk of explantation (RR 2.77; 95% CI 1.25; 6.15; p = 0.045).
CONCLUSION:Approximately 1 in 5 open fractures stabilised using internal fixation can be anticipated to require explantation, with cats potentially being at a higher risk than dogs. Cases diagnosed with postoperative infection are at a higher risk for requiring implant removal.

Canine; Complications; Explantation; Feline; Infection; Open fracture;

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