Instructions for adding the VIN, Pet Care Forum and/or Y2SPAY Logos
to your web page

VIN Portal
For Veterinarians, by Veterinarians

To add the VIN logo and link to your webpage, follow these instructions:

1. Save the logo to your hard drive by right clicking on the image and selecting SAVE PICTURE AS ...

2. Copy the following code snippet into your webpage. Make sure that you change the directory to match your Image directory.

<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#0C0C75">
<CENTER><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><IMG SRC="vin2000.jpg" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT="VIN Portal"></A></CENTER>
<FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-2"><B>For Veterinarians, by Veterinarians</B></FONT></CENTER>

3. Enjoy your continued association with and pride in VIN.

The Pet Care Forum

To add the Pet Care Forum logo and link to your webpage, follow these instructions:

1. Save the logo to your hard drive by right clicking on the image and selecting SAVE PICTURE AS ...

2. Copy the following code snippet into your webpage. Make sure that you change the directory to match your Image directory.

<CENTER><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><IMG SRC="Images/VisitPCF.jpg" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT="The Pet Care Forum"></A></CENTER>

3. Enjoy your continued association with The Pet Care Forum.


To add the Y2SPAY logo and link to your webpage, follow these instructions:

1. Save the logo to your hard drive by right clicking on the image and selecting SAVE PICTURE AS ...

2. Copy the following code snippet into your webpage. Make sure that you change the directory to match your Image directory.

<CENTER><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><IMG SRC="Images/Y2Spay120X90.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT="Y2SPAY"></A></CENTER>

3. Enjoy your continued association with Y2SPAY.

800.700.4636  |  |  530.756.4881  |  Fax: 530.756.6035
777 West Covell Blvd, Davis, CA 95616

Copyright 2000, Veterinary Information Network, Inc.