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Courses open for VSPNer registration

TECH150-1007: Professional Development for the Veterinary Technician

Charlotte Waack, AA, AS, BS, CVT, RVT; Elizabeth Warren, RVT; Brenda Feller, CVT, RVT

October 11 - November 17, 2007
Real Time Sessions: Wednesday evenings, October 17, 24, 31, and November 7, 2007; 8:30pm-10:00pm ET (USA)


Are you a Professional? The way you look, speak, act, and interact with others at work all influence how you are perceived as a representative of one of the fastest growing professions in the United States. The purpose of this course is to provide you with information that can help you to further your career, and provide you with tools you can use to accomplish your professional goals. After defining and exploring the concept of professionalism, we will discuss the specific aspects of ethics, practice acts, communication, utilization and career development.

This course will consist of four (4) ninety (90) minute real time sessions; library materials; multiple choice quizzes after each real time session to assist in identifying the key points; and interactive message board discussions. This course is directed toward credentialed veterinary technicians, veterinary technician students and veterinary assistants who wish to pursue a career in veterinary technology.

Upon completion of this course, the participant should be able to

TEXTBOOKS: There are no required texts for this course.
The instructors have supplied a list of suggested references below: COURSE OUTLINE:

Week 1: Professionalism
Professionalism starts with you; where you choose to obtain your education, where you choose to work, how you choose to present yourself to the public, how you keep current with new trends in veterinary medicine. In this session, we will discuss all of the above and give examples of key points of professionalism. You will also learn how continuing education can affect your professional career.

Week 2: Ethics and Practice Acts
We will cover definitions (morals, personal ethics, other ethical constructs including professional, legal obligations), and professional ethics (including evaluation of the Veterinary Technician Code of Ethics and the role of Veterinary Licensing Acts in ethical behavior for veterinary technicians). Other areas to be discussed include: ethical dilemmas (defining and resolving with consideration of multiple/conflicting obligations), monitoring and influencing veterinary practice acts, and credentialing (registration, certification, and licensure, qualification, examination, application, renewal).

Week 3: Communication and Utilization
Communication in the workplace is a very important aspect of professionalism. This week will include communication styles and how to use those styles, communication with clients, communication with co-workers, and conflict resolution. Utilization discussion topics will include how you are utilized presently, how can you change how you are utilized, how this will benefit your overall production in your clinic.

Week 4: Where Can Your Career Take You?
There are many opportunities for veterinary technicians within and outside clinical practice. We will discuss veterinary technician specialties and achieving specialty certification opportunities for further continuing education in the field, careers in education, industry opportunities, moving into management, and certification in practice management.

Library materials will be made available prior to the topic week so participants will have plenty of time to prepare for the real time sessions and discussion.

Message board discussions regarding the topic presented will begin on the day the course opens and continue for one week following the last real time session. These discussions will be held in the VSPN CE course area.


$111 ($100.00 early bird special if registered before October 3, 2007).
*NAVTA members will receive a 50% discount; your NAVTA member number must be included in your enrollment information and will be verified with NAVTA before admittance to the course.
* Students currently enrolled in and taking at least 2 classes or 5 units at an AVMA accredited or CAAHT approved Veterinary Technician Program may be eligible to receive a 50% discount off the regular rate for this course (upon verification of student status). You must include the following information in the comments section of the CE enrollment form in order to be eligible for this discount: your program director's name and contact information (email/phone) and school name.

** NOTE: Registration will be closed when the maximum number of participants is reached or at 5pm ET the day of the first real time session.

** Minimal computer requirements for participating in VSPN and VPSNCE:

**For More Information on how our online CE courses work please read the following:
How to's of online CE:
Policies and Procedures:


  1. Each enrollee must individually be a registered member of VSPN or VIN ( Membership in VSPN is free; VIN membership includes VSPN membership.
  2. To enroll in any VSPN CE course click on the ENROLL NOW link below the course title on the right side of the page at
  3. Each enrollee must be able to receive emails from and addresses. This is our major form of communication with participants. It is highly recommended that course participants use their own, personal emails rather than clinic/hospital email addresses.
  4. VIN Member veterinarians SHOULD NOT register for their staff. Please have the staff member register through VSPN. Please email if you have questions.

Note: "This course has been submitted (but not yet approved) for 6 hours of continuing education credit in jurisdictions which recognize AAVSB RACE approval; however participants should be aware that some boards have limitations on the number of hours accepted in certain categories and/or restrictions on certain methods of delivery of continuing education. Call VSPN CE at 1-800-700-4636 for further information." (Attendees are encouraged to check with their licensing jurisdiction(s) for information regarding recognition by their board).

COURSE WITHDRAWAL AND REFUND POLICY: Withdrawal prior to the listed start date of a course entitles the registrant to a complete refund or a credit toward a future VIN CE course, whichever is preferred. Withdrawal within 1 week after the listed start date (i.e. including no more than one real-time session) entitles the registrant to a credit toward any future VIN CE course. (Does not apply to courses with only one real-time session.) After the first real-time session, a registrant may withdraw due to special circumstances and receive prorated credit towards a future VIN course. These requests will be handled on an individual basis. The amount of the prorated credit will be determined based on 65% of the time remaining in the course at the time of withdrawal. It is not possible to withdraw retroactively.
Note: To ensure rapid handling of your request for withdrawal, we recommend that you call the VIN office at 1-800-700-INFO (4636).
Nanette R. Walker Smith, M.Ed., RVT, CVT, LVT
VSPN Content Director & CE Coordinator
1-800-846-0028 or 1-530-297-4950, ext 187

Ginger Sanders (, ext 183
Charlotte Waack (, ext 193
VSPN CE Services
1-800-846-0028 or 1-530-756-4881

**For More Information on VSPN's upcoming CE Courses, check out


800.700.4636  |  |  530.756.4881  |  Fax: 530.756.6035
777 West Covell Blvd, Davis, CA 95616

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