DIAG214-0616: Cytology 101
The lectures for this course will be presented in an audio format.
Enrollment is closed.
Presenters: Rebekah G. Gunn-Christie, DVM, DACVP & Dr. Jennifer L. Brazzell, DVM, MVetSc, DACVP (Clinical and Anatomic), MRCVS
Course Open: June 9-August 7, 2016
Real Time Sessions (RTS): Thursdays, June 16, 23, 30, July 14, 21 and 28, 2016; 9:30-11:30 pm ET USA
Course RTS Times in Your Area:
World Clock Converter
Practice Sessions: In order to prepare you for a successful experience
in your CE course, we request you attend a Practice Session prior to the first
Real Time Session. Please arrive promptly at the start time; each Practice Session
is up to 1 hour in length.
For more information, please visit the
CE Practice Area.
*The presenters for this course will be using audio which will require you to have a headset or speakers to listen.
If you have any concerns regarding your computer's audio capabilities, please be sure to attend
one of the Practice Sessions.
Level and Prerequisites:
basic course will be open to veterinarians and veterinary
technicians/technologists interested in cytology topics.
VIN CE Course: Open to veterinarians. Licensed or experienced (5 years suggested)
veterinary staff may also enroll provided they are associated with an enrolled veterinarian.
Veterinary staff need to provide the name of their veterinarian in the comment section
during the enrollment process.
This course is approved by RACE for veterinarians and veterinary technicians/technologists. (RACE 22-23956)
Course Information:
This course will cover sample collection/handling, care and usage of the microscope
(including Kohler Illumination), approach to a cytology slide, a detailed discussion
of lesion classification base on 5 general categories and their respective subcategories
(inflammation, cysts, hemorrhage, neoplasia, and mixed), common cutaneous/SQ lesions,
lymph node cytology, fluid cytology, stained urine sediment cytology, and fecal cytology.
Week 1 (Real Time Session June 16, 2016):
Sample Collection/Handling; Care and Usage of Microscope
Presenters: Dr. Rebekah G. Gunn-Christie and Dr. Jennifer L. Brazzell
Format: Audio
Objectives: Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to
- Know appropriate specimen collection and handling techniques
for various commonly-encountered lesions
- Judge adequacy of cytology samples based on presence of intact cells
and absence of excessive artifacts
- Know how to properly use and care for a microscope, and have comfortability
with algorithm for evaluating cytology slides
Week 2 (Real Time Session June 23, 2016):
Cytology Slide
Presenters: Dr. Rebekah G. Gunn-Christie and Dr. Jennifer L. Brazzell
Format: Audio
Objectives: Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to
- Know appropriate specimen collection and handling techniques for
various commonly-encountered lesions
- Judge adequacy of cytology samples based on presence of intact cells
and absence of excessive artifacts
- Know how to properly use and care for a microscope, and have comfortability
with algorithm for evaluating cytology slides
- Know and be able to identify the 5 categories of lesion classification and their subsets
Week 3 (Real Time Session June 30, 2016):
Presenters: Dr. Rebekah G. Gunn-Christie and Dr. Jennifer L. Brazzell
Format: Audio
Objectives: Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to
- Know appropriate specimen collection and handling techniques for various
commonly-encountered lesions
- Know and be able to identify the 5 categories of lesion classification and their subsets
**** BREAK - July 7, 2016 ****
Week 4 (Real Time Session July 14, 2016):
Lymph Node Cytology
Presenters: Dr. Rebekah G. Gunn-Christie and Dr. Jennifer L. Brazzell
Format: Audio
Objectives: Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to
- Know appropriate specimen collection and handling techniques
for various commonly-encountered lesions
- Judge adequacy of cytology samples based on presence of intact
cells and absence of excessive artifacts
- Know how to properly use and care for a microscope, and have comfortability
with algorithm for evaluating cytology slides
- Know and be able to identify the 5 categories of lesion classification
and their subsets
Week 5 (Real Time Session July 21, 2016):
Fluid Cytology
Presenter: Dr. Rebekah G. Gunn-Christie and Dr. Jennifer L. Brazzell
Format: Audio
Objectives: Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to
- Know appropriate specimen collection and handling techniques for
various commonly-encountered lesions
- Judge adequacy of cytology samples based on presence of intact cells
and absence of excessive artifacts
- Know how to properly use and care for a microscope, and have comfortability
with algorithm for evaluating cytology slides
- Know and be able to identify the 5 categories of lesion classification
and their subsets
Week 6 (Real Time Session July 28, 2016):
Urine and Fecal Cytology
Presenter: Dr. Rebekah G. Gunn-Christie and Dr. Jennifer L. Brazzell
Format: Audio
Objectives: Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to
- Know appropriate specimen collection and handling techniques
for various commonly-encountered lesions
- Judge adequacy of cytology samples based on presence of intact cells
and absence of excessive artifacts
- Know how to properly use and care for a microscope, and have comfortability
with algorithm for evaluating cytology slides
- Know and be able to identify the 5 categories of lesion classification
and their subsets
Successful completion (scoring 80% or better) on the end-of-course test is required
to earn a certificate of completion for the course.
To learn more about the requirements for earning a CE certificate, please refer to
Receiving Your CE Credit and Course Completion Certificate.
Course Materials: Course materials will be available
in the course library prior to each Real Time Session.
Required Textbook(s): There is no required textbook for this course.
About the Presenters:
Rebekah Gunn-Christie is a board-certified clinical pathologist with
a special interest in cytology and hematology. She has been a diagnostic pathologist
with Antech Diagnostics since 2007, and is also a consultant with Veterinary Information
Network and an Assistant Adjunct Professor at North Carolina State University.
Dr. Gunn-Christie has lectured on cytology and hematology at numerous continuing
education events/conferences.
Jennifer L. Brazzell is a 2000 graduate of the University of Saskatchewan,
Western College of Veterinary Medicine. She was formerly a practicing veterinarian and
o-owner of two small animal/exotics practices in Canada. After completing a residency in
Clinical Pathology at the University of Minnesota, she joined the staff of a local laboratory
as a staff pathologist. After several years, she decided to expand her horizons and returned
to the University of Saskatchewan Western College of Veterinary Medicine to complete a
residency in Anatomic Pathology and earned a Masters in Veterinary Science degree.
Total CE Credit: 12
Tuition: $252 ($227 early bird special if enrolled by May 26, 2016)
All prices are listed in US dollars.
*To ensure participants are ready and prepared for classes,
enrollment will close on June 16, 2016 at 5 pm ET (USA)
or when the maximum number of participants is reached.
*For more information on how online CE works, see the
Participant Resource Center.
To Enroll:
Enrollment is closed.
- Enrollment qualifications: VIN CE courses are open to
VIN member and non-member veterinarians. Veterinarians enrolling in a VSPN CE course
must be a VIN member. Veterinary support staff must be a VSPN member to enroll in a
VSPN CE or a VIN CE course open to VSPN member enrollment.
- Each enrollee must be able to receive emails from @vspn.org
and @vin.com addresses. Email is our major form of communication with participants;
personal emails are highly recommended rather than clinic/hospital email addresses.
- Each person is individually responsible for his/her own registration.
To ensure that all information received is secure and correct, please do not enroll
for a course on behalf of another individual.
- For further assistance call 800-846-0028 ext. 797 or email
Please include the course title, your full name, and contact information in your correspondence.
"This program (22-23956) is approved by the AAVSB RACE to offer a
total of 12 CE Credits, with a maximum of 12 CE Credits being available to any individual
veterinarian or veterinary technician/technologist.
This RACE approval is for the subject matter categories of: Scientific,
using the delivery method of Interactive-Distance: (Web-based, Teleconference or Audio-Conference).
This approval is valid in jurisdictions which recognize AAVSB RACE; however, participants are
responsible for ascertaining each board's CE requirements."
Course withdrawal and refund policy: A complete refund of the paid course price will be
issued when your withdrawal request is received prior to the listed start date of the course.
If you wish to withdraw after the start date please contact the VIN office 800-846-0028 ext. 797
to discuss eligibility for a pro-rated refund.
* Note: To ensure rapid handling of your request for withdrawal, we recommend that you
call the VIN office at 800-846-0028 ext. 797.
*For more information on VIN's upcoming CE courses, check the
VIN Course Catalog.
Katherine James, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (SAIM)
VIN Education Coordinator
VIN CE Services:
800-846-0028 or 530-756-4881; ext. 797
or direct line to VIN/VSPN from the United Kingdom: 01 45 222 6154
or direct line to VIN/VSPN from Australia: 02 6145 2357
800.700.4636 | CEonVIN@vin.com | 530.756.4881 | Fax: 530.756.6035
777 West Covell Blvd, Davis, CA 95616
Copyright 2000, Veterinary Information Network, Inc.